AKROCEAN, your reliable provider for in-situ metocean and environmental data collection at sea

AKROCEAN is a company providing data collection as a service for offshore monitoring and site assessment

AKROCEAN is a French player in marine renewable energies providing environmental data collected at sea as a service. AKROCEAN owns and operates a fleet of modular self-powered buoys designed to power and host a large range of metocean and environmental sensors.

Our services include quick and efficient emergency response to any unpredictable event thanks to early default detection through our onshore 365/7/24.

Our services

WINDSEA is a new generation of
LiDAR turnkey service for
wind resource assessment and
metocean measurements.

FLY’RSEA, our floating RADAR solution for bird detection, is the first technology able to assess birds, bats, marine mammals and fishes presence on the same system.

SEAOBS, combining measurements of WINDSEA, FLY’RSEA, and beyond… Seaobs is a multiparameters offshore observatory for environmental site studies

boat at sea near a floating buoy

AKROCEAN's solutions strengths

With strong experience and based on a patented design passively stabilized.
Each of our clients benefits from the best industry practices from deployment to  decomissioning, always in accordance with our in-house processes and ISO standards.

Our technology

AKROCEAN is a company providing services for offshore monitoring and site assessment. AKROCEAN operates its own fleet of open and modular floating LiDAR and RADAR (based on GEPS Techno technology) enabling to perform several types of mid/long term offshore multi-measurement campaigns with optimized maintenance interventions.

floating buoy on the sea

They trust us

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October, 2023

renewable energy
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19.10.2023 | Intec, Bluesign and Akrocean are joining forces to organize the Greek offshore renewable energy conference in Athens in order to share return of experience from active players abroad and present solutions contributing to the acceleration of the offshore wind development in Greece

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June 7, 2023

First piece of potentially NZ's first offshore wind farm to be installed off Patea coast
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06.07.2023 | The Floating Light Detecting and Ranging Device - or FLiDAR - is at Port Taranaki waiting to be towed into position 37km off the coast of Patea.

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June 7, 2023

Akrocéan déploie une bouée de mesures pour un projet éolien en Nouvelle-Zélande
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Copenhagen offshore partners (COP), la division développement de la société d’investissement danoise Copenhagen infrastructure partners (CIP), a choisi l’entreprise de Guérande Akrocéan pour la fourniture du lidar flottant d’un projet éolien en mer en Nouvelle-Zélande.

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August 26, 2021

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26.08.2021 | Star of the South together with Australian supplier TEK-Ocean and European offshore wind specialist Akrocean have taken out the 2021 Australian Subsea Business Award for Industry Collaboration.

Presented by Subsea Energy Australia, the annual awards recognise the best contributions and talents of the subsea and ocean energy industry.
Star of the South, TEK-Ocean and Akrocean have been working together since 2019, when Star of the South procured LiDAR wind and wave monitoring buoys from France based Akrocean.

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